Add google reCaptacha to contact form 7

Hi friends, Google has an improved, user-friendly Captcha system. In Which it asked for checked a checkbox  for confirming “I’m not robot”. In WordPress, Contact Form 7 is the most popular plugin for creating contact form. Latest version of Contact Form 7 provide best way for antispam protection.

In this tutorial, I’m going show you how to integrate reCaptcha to Contact Form 7 in your WordPress Website.

Step 1. Install the Contact Form 7 plugin

  • Login to your WordPress site.
  • Go to Plugins > Add new and search for “Contact Form 7”.
  • Click “Install Now” and activate the plugin.

Step 2. Create reCaptcha public and secret keys


Step 3. Integrate reCaptcha with Contact Form 7

  • Go to the admin menu Contact > Integration.
  • Find reCAPTCHA panel and click Configure Keys.
  • Copy the site key and secret key into the fields and save them.

Step 4. Embed the reCaptcha shortcode into contact form

  • Go to Contact > Contact forms > Your form.
  • Paste below shortcode into form box to render the reCaptcha field.

End Result
